Hunter Laing Highland Journey Blend 700ml

  • Regular price $94.99

It is often said that belonging is a state of mind.

But there are some places in the world that naturally evoke a sense of belonging more distinctly than others. In the majestic Highlands of Scotland, purple heather covers rugged hills and ice-cold burns cut smoothly through gentle glens.

Like this whisky, the Highlands offer an undeniable sense of true tranquillity. In this land of infinite winding paths, each one leads to a place that feels like home.

Official Tasting Notes: A golden coloured whisky with a robust, full bodied nose of rich, sweet aromas such as vanilla custard, fudge, toffee apples and puff candy. Creamy and buttery on the palate it is initially sweet. before developing with vanilla custard powder, apricots, peaches and pears like a fruit salad. A relatively short finish – sweet with hints of oak and nuts.

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